IIT Madras & ISRO jointly develops India’s first Aerospace-Grade Semiconductor IRIS

 A significant advancement in semiconductor technology has been made by the Indian Space Research Organization ( ISRO ) and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras ( IIT Madras ). They have developed and successfully tested IRIS (Indigenous RISCV Controller for Space Applications), a SHAKTI -based semiconductor chip of aerospace quality. This development was part of the effort to indigenize semiconductors used by ISRO for its applications, Command and Control Systems and other critical functions aligning with its march towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ in Space Technologies. The SHAKTI microprocessor project is led by Prof. V. Kamakoti at Prathap Subrahmanyam Centre for Digital Intelligence and Secure Hardware Architecture ( PSCDISHA ) in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. The SHAKTI class of systems are based on RISC-V , an open-source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), for designing custom processors. ‘SHAKTI’ is backed by Ministry of Electronics and Info...

Python Programming

 Programming is the future of the globe and Python is leading the race. Every day, its popularity is growing exponentially. So if you are an individual who is curious about Data Science, Web Development, or Machine Learning, then Python is directly your Bible! Although it is not a recently developed language yet, recently it is favoured by most developers over Java, C#, and PHP due to its simplicity and effortless learning nature.

Python is considered one of the most effortless programming languages for a novice to learn, but it is a little hard to master. Anybody can learn Python if they perform tough enough at it, but evolving as a Python Developer will need plenty of practice and endurance. Most learners take approx three months to finish this path.

Why learn Python programming language?

Python is comparably easy to receive. It's completed. It has an outstanding ecosystem of data science and machine wisdom libraries that perform the lingua franca of programming in those units.

That ecosystem involves critical Python aggregates or libraries Such as NumPy and SciPy at the Python Software Foundation's PyPI (Python Package Index) site and prepared data science divisions of Python, such as Anaconda. Main machine learning Python libraries carry the Google-backed TensorFlow and Facebook's PyTorch and key software progress kits (SDKs) from Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Python Developers, Who they are? and what do they accomplish?

Python developers create usage of the python language to not only code for software applications but even design them. so, they primarily write codes for the backend, apart from debugging errors. Typically, python developers operate on data analysis and web development. but with the advancement of machine learning, they currently operate the same for the goal of developing applications also. It's worth noting that python programmer pays in India have significantly improved after the advent of data science.

Python developer salary in India for freshers & professionals - Ever Wondered why it's so high?

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language. that represents. It proves especially helpful when it comes to sorting out complex issues. That is why someone highly skilled in python is such an essential asset for any company.

Now, let's compare it to java. We understand that java has consistently been famous across the world. Yet, now it fails to outdo python. As per Splashdata reports, around 7.6 Million developers utilize java, whereas the count is 8.2 million in the matter of python. and this number is only increasing with period.

Most biggest such as Netflix, IBM, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Youtube, NASA, and Google create use of this programming language for their operations. and not vastly shocked, there has been a quick growth even in the number of small businesses reliant on python. This explains why there is an incessant growth in the need for python developers all over the world.

What is the beginning salary for a Python Developer in India?

Salary Yearly (Avg.)

1. Entry-level Fresher Python programmer:      ₹4,27,293 (Per annum)

2. Mid-level Fresher Python programmer:        ₹9,09,000 (Per annum)

3. Senior-level Python programmer:                    ₹11,50,000 (Per annum)

Location wise Average Salary



2. Chennai


3. Mumbai


4. Delhi


5. Hyderabad


6. Pune


Advantages of Python

1. Easy to Read, Learn and Write

2. Improved Productivity

3. Interpreted Language

4. Dynamically Typed

5. Free and Open-Source

6. Vast Libraries Support

7. Portability

Python Course Specification 

• Introduction to Python

• Python Object-oriented programming

• Database Handling in Python

• Variables and Data Types in Python

• File handling in Python

• Program flow control using Python

• Function, modules, and packages in Python

• Lists and Tuples

• String, list, and dictionary  manipulations

• Exception handling in Python

• How to create setup file for project

• Numpy Package in details

• Email sending automation

• Tkinter GUI application

• Socket Programming

Opportunities For Python Programmer

You can pursue the following job roles as a python programmer:

• Full-stack developer

• Software developer

• Product Manager

• Data Analyst

• Machine learning engineer

• And many more

As there are many job opportunities for python programmers in India, but always pursue the one you are interested in and is in demand.

Next time we will give a list of platforms and courses to start your Programming career till then stay tuned.

credits :- Leena Rajput @Quora


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  2. Very informative


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