
Showing posts from June, 2024

IIT Madras & ISRO jointly develops India’s first Aerospace-Grade Semiconductor IRIS

 A significant advancement in semiconductor technology has been made by the Indian Space Research Organization ( ISRO ) and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras ( IIT Madras ). They have developed and successfully tested IRIS (Indigenous RISCV Controller for Space Applications), a SHAKTI -based semiconductor chip of aerospace quality. This development was part of the effort to indigenize semiconductors used by ISRO for its applications, Command and Control Systems and other critical functions aligning with its march towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ in Space Technologies. The SHAKTI microprocessor project is led by Prof. V. Kamakoti at Prathap Subrahmanyam Centre for Digital Intelligence and Secure Hardware Architecture ( PSCDISHA ) in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. The SHAKTI class of systems are based on RISC-V , an open-source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), for designing custom processors. ‘SHAKTI’ is backed by Ministry of Electronics and Info...

Decoding Comparators and their importance in computer logic

Comparators are devices that compare two voltages or currents and output a digital signal indicating which is larger. The output value of the comparator indicates which of the inputs is greater or lesser. A comparator compares the two inputs applied to it and produces the comparison as the output. It has two analog input terminals and one binary digital output. They are commonly used in devices that measure and digitize analog signals, such as successive-approximation ADCs and relaxation oscillators. The most frequent application for comparators is the comparison between a voltage and a stable reference. Comparators have many applications, including threshold detectors/discriminators, zero-crossing detectors, and oscillators. Principles of Operation At its core, a comparator compares two input voltages and produces an output based on their relative levels. Typically, comparators consist of two inputs: a non-inverting input (+) and an inverting input (-), along with one output. When the...

Unlocking the Magneto-Nonlinear Hall Effect: A Geometric Approach to Quantum Phenomena

Hall Effect is defined as the phenomenon of the generation of a small voltage due to the deflection of charge carriers in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the electric filed and magnetic field. The charge carriers are the electrons and holes. The electrons possess a negative charge, while holes possess a positive charge. Hall Effect is generally observed in the conductor. Under the electric field (E) application, the electrons and holes drift and constitute a current. The magnetic field perpendicular to this electric field causes the deflection of the electrons and holes. Such deflection produces a small voltage in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the electric field and magnetic field. The Hall Effect was discovered in 1879 by the physicist Edwin Hall . Drift of charge carriers in Electric and Magnetic fields Let us consider the effect of the Electric field on an electron with charge q and mass m. We know that the electrons in a conductor are constantly movin...

Photonics and application of laser

  Photonics is the physical science of light waves. It deals with the science behind the generation, detection and manipulation of light. Light has a dual nature known as the wave-particle duality. That is to say that light has characteristics of both a continuous electromagnetic wave and a particle (photon). Which nature of light is operative depends on the kind of interaction being observed. For example, light bending through a lens or diffracting at the edge of an aperture is exhibiting its wave nature. Light being created or absorbed by a solid-state device such as a laser diode or charge-coupled device (CCD) detector is exhibiting light’s particle nature. The term “photonics” came into wider use in the 1960’s with the invention of the laser and later the laser diode. It was originally intended to describe a field where the goal was to use light to perform functions traditionally accomplished using electronics, thus the name. The term came into more popular use with the advent...